If you believe that any content posted on the Bkk Tattoo Studio 13 Thailand website infringes on copyright,
please send us a notification including all relevant information: Notification of Copyright Infringement.
Copyright Notification Guidelines:
Bkk Tattoo Studio 13 Thailand respects third-party copyright, and it is our policy to respond to all notifications about copyright infringement as established by applicable regulations.
Once we receive a notification complying with these guidelines, Bkk Tattoo Studio 13 Thailand may remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing material or take further action that we consider appropriate, including disabling a user's account.
When taking such measures, Bkk Tattoo Studio 13 Thailand will attempt to contact the party that posted the content so that they can respond according to applicable regulations.
Copyright infringement notifications must meet the following requirements:
A handwritten or electronic signature of the person submitting the notification.
Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or if multiple copyrighted works, a list of the copyrighted works.
Identification of the material claimed to be infringing and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, as well as sufficient information to allow Bkk Tattoo Studio 13 Thailand to locate that material.
Information to allow Bkk Tattoo Studio 13 Thailand to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if possible, an email address.
A statement that the complaining party has reason to believe that the use of the material is not authorized by the copyright owner or the law. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate and true.
Bkk Tattoo Studio 13 Thailand will follow the procedure provided by applicable regulations to ensure compliance with copyright.
When a proper notification complying with the conditions above is received, Bkk Tattoo Studio 13 Thailand will remove or disable access to infringing materials as soon as possible. Bkk Tattoo Studio 13 Thailand will not necessarily send a confirmation regarding the removal/disabling.
The statements by the party that posted the allegedly infringing content must also comply with the requirements for copyright notifications.
Note that you may be liable if the material infringes third party rights, so we recommend that if you are unsure, seek legal advice.
Bkk Tattoo Studio 13 Thailand Copyright Contact Information:bkktattoostudio13@gmail.com
If you believe that the party posting the allegedly infringing material is a reoffending publisher, you may provide Bkk Tattoo Studio 13 Thailand with the relevant information in order to verify and take the corresponding measures.
If any of the above requirements are not fulfilled, the copyright infringement notification may be invalid.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Reporting Abuse:
Bkk Tattoo Studio 13 Thailand has a zero-tolerance approach towards abusive content/files. To report abuse in relation to content or files, please email bkktattoostudio13@gmail.com with a clear summary/description of the issue at hand.
Copyrights II:
All content available for purchase on Bkk Tattoo Studio 13 Thailand is only for the unique person who makes the purchase and is intended for only one person.
Any reproduction is strictly forbidden.
Use on all types of social networks and sharing with other people is prohibited, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.
or any social network or internet support.
Reselling drawings and works purchased on Bkk Tattoo Studio 13 Thailand is strictly prohibited.
Use of drawings and works for commercial purposes without the agreement of Bkk Tattoo Studio 13 Thailand is prohibited.
All drawings on the site are copyrighted and protected against misuse or commercial use or for the purpose of making money without our agreement.
For people who use our company name "Bangkok Tattoo Studio 13" without our permission such as fake website pages, or shops in Thailand that use our name to promote using our company name, on (Google, Facebook, Instagram and other media.
We will be obliged to file a complaint against these people directly at the police station, and to give you a summons from our lawyer who protects our company.
If you do not respect the copyrights on our Bkk Tattoo Studio 13 Thailand platform, you will be asked to return your earnings acquired without authorization in your country or on the platform you use to sell our designs without our agreement.